10:45 a.m. Children's Sunday School
We will be delighted to welcome you into our community of faith for worship. If you're unfamiliar with our tradition, you might be interested to know that Lutherans constitute the oldest and largest of the Protestant communions. Our tradition began 450 years ago when Martin Luther, a German university professor, began to preach against the abuses of the medieval Church, resulting finally in the separation of the Protestant Churches and the Roman Catholic Church. We now number 65 million members in congregations throughout the world. You can learn more about this global communion of churches in the Lutheran tradition at Lutheran World Federation. We welcome at our table all baptized Christians, regardless of church affiliation.
The center of our worship life together is the weekly celebration of Holy Communion. This eucharistic assembly of the baptized has been the principal act of Christian worship since apostolic times, and the Lutheran Reformation did not break with this ancient tradition of 1500 years. The mass has two parts, one centering on proclamation of the Word through the reading of Scripture and preaching, the other on sharing the sacramental meal. On Sundays this service is at 11:00 a.m. On Principal Festivals and other observances falling on a weekday there is an additional sung Eucharist at 6:30 p.m., preceded by Evening Prayer at 5:30 p.m.
10:45 a.m. Children's Sunday School
We will be delighted to welcome you into our community of faith for worship. If you're unfamiliar with our tradition, you might be interested to know that Lutherans constitute the oldest and largest of the Protestant communions. Our tradition began 450 years ago when Martin Luther, a German university professor, began to preach against the abuses of the medieval Church, resulting finally in the separation of the Protestant Churches and the Roman Catholic Church. We now number 65 million members in congregations throughout the world. You can learn more about this global communion of churches in the Lutheran tradition at Lutheran World Federation. We welcome at our table all baptized Christians, regardless of church affiliation.
The center of our worship life together is the weekly celebration of Holy Communion. This eucharistic assembly of the baptized has been the principal act of Christian worship since apostolic times, and the Lutheran Reformation did not break with this ancient tradition of 1500 years. The mass has two parts, one centering on proclamation of the Word through the reading of Scripture and preaching, the other on sharing the sacramental meal. On Sundays this service is at 11:00 a.m. On Principal Festivals and other observances falling on a weekday there is an additional sung Eucharist at 6:30 p.m., preceded by Evening Prayer at 5:30 p.m.
Grace & St. Paul's Church has been a Reconciled in Christ congregation since 1987, a program of Lutherans Concerned North America in inclusive ministry with lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered people. To see a list of all RIC synods, organizations and congregations in the United States and Canada, please visit Lutherans Concerned North America.